PREPARE Gathering 2013 - REPORT
4th - 7th September 2013 in Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Networking for Sustainable Rural Development
PREPARE international gatherings are the main annual event of the Pan-European PREPARE network, organized each year in different country and region. In September 2013 more than 100 participants from about 20 European countries gathered in Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina.Networking for Sustainable Rural Development
Available material:
“Community Spirit Wins” - an introduction to PREPARE’s new book - prof. Michael Dower
Networking priciples - Goran Šoster, PREPARE Coordinator and Mark Redman, ENRD Contact point
Notional Structure of a National Rural Development Network - prof. Michael Dower
NRN Joint Action: “Demonstrating the Added Value of Networking” - Mark Redman, ENRD Contact point
Preparations for IPA II - State of play - Iwona Lisztwan, European Commission, Directorate General Agriculture and Rural development
My experience in rural networking - Ukraine - Rostyslav Kos
Pregled stanja poljoprivrede i ruralnog razvoja u Crnoj Gori i umrežavanje lokalnih NVO - Ratko Bataković – Mreža za ruralni razvoj Crne Gore
Ruralni razvoj u Crnoj Gori – institucije i ostali akteri, njihovi kapaciteti, aktivnosti, umrežavanje... - Ratko Bataković – Mreža za ruralni razvoj Crne Gore
Hüsnü M. Özyeğin Foundation Rural Development Program
Home made cheese project - Mohamed al Younis
TWG 2: Networking on the European level
TWG 3: Networking across ethnicities
TWG 4: Public – private partnerships